Monday 17 June 2013

Building Bridges: December 1986

Another edition of Building Bridges, the newsletter of Birmingham Disability rights Group from December 1986:


May we begin by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This will be the last BUILDING BRIDGES of 1986 and the next issue will be out at the end of January 1987.

We felt that with Christmas only two weeks away it would be unproductive to hold a members' meeting this month. The next meeting will, therefore, be:

WEDNESDAY, 14 January, 1987 at 7:30 PM in Room 45, Doctor Johnson House, 40 Bull Street, B4

Given the time of year we are bringing you up-to-date with Minutes and plans that may have escaped you for one reason or another.

In the next issue we hope to open the debate on questions we will need to resolve in 1987. Because we seek to build an open, active and democratic Group it is important that people respond to the issues raised in our meetings or in Building Bridges. It is no good allowing the Management Committee, workers or a few active members to do everything on our behalf. To be passive means accepting the usual oppressive roles people usually fall into.

In 1987 we hope to see more new members and some of the old ones play a greater role in BDRG. Our aim in 1987 is to turn the idea of a Resource Centre from a dream into reality. We will only do this by working together!


Our fundraising social turned out to be small and selective. Despite the lack of support from members we did raise some money - but a number of individuals made a financial commitment to make the social possible in the first place.

May we, on your behalf, thank them for their efforts. May we also ask why so many agreed to hold a social and then failed to turn up?

Liberation Network?

On 6 December, Brenda, Bob and Alun went down to London to discuss the situation facing the Liberation Network of People With Disabilities. For over a year little had been heard of this national organisation and its magazine, In from the Cold. The outcome of the meeting was to note that the old-style Network had died a natural death and that fresh steps were needed to create a new organisation. The next meeting will take place in late February. We'll keep you informed.


A draft constitution has been written up and will be discussed at the next Management Committee. If anyone wants to see this before the next meeting please contact Bob. After the M. C. has discussed it will be circulated to members. We will also prepare a paper on charity status and trusts.

Disability Resource Centre

Since the Council meeting on the fourth, Bob has travelled far and wide with members of the Economic Development Unit to investigate computer-based educational resources available to people with disabilities. This tour is part of the build-up to presenting a paper on the DRC but it also has wider implications for the people's educational needs. Amongst the many educational projects was an interesting shopping by computer which gave us many new and wonderful ideas. Bob also visited Lambeth Accord which has some similarities to the DRC. At present the Day Centres in Birmingham are being visited by Bob with a view to gain new support and more filled in questionnaires.

January's Group Meeting Agenda

On the agenda of January's meeting of the following items:

Welcome, Apologies, Management Committee's Report, Workers Reports, A.O.B, Video of Link plus a discussion on the language of disability.

Action Committees?

The Development Worker has submitted to the Management Committee a paper entitled Which Way Forward for BDRG? In his paper Bob argues that it is vital that we have full participation from the members if we are going to build BDRG. One suggestion from him is that we start to develop committees to look at fundraising, transport and media coverage of disability related issues. Clearly, these suggestions will be debated through the pages of Building Bridges and it is hoped members will respond either in support or against the idea.

Help Required

Are there any members willing to go on a "help list" for us? We would like to know what help you can offer, and how often and how to reach you. If you can offer some spare time please contact Bob.

What Is Disability?

There is now a paper available which takes up the language and terms used in relation to disability. If you would like a copy send a S.A.E to Bob/Maria.

Mobility Plus Bus Pass

Did you know that you can now claim mobility allowance and have a bus pass too? Contact Social Services for details.

Transport Fund

We have just claimed a grant to cover transport costs for a short period of time. It may be possible to hire a tail-lift van if enough members require it. Could people contact Bob as soon as possible with their needs.

BDRG Badges

There are still a number of BDRG members' badges available. They cost £1.50 for waged and £1 for others.

DRC Questionnaire

It is important that individual questionnaires are returned to the office or to the meeting on 14 January so that we can write it up. If any full members still require a copy contact us as soon as you can.

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