Wednesday 8 May 2013

Building Bridges - September 1986

Building Bridges was the newsletter of Birmingham Disability Rights Group

This is the text from an early edition of Building Bridges published in September 1986 

Bob Williams-Findlay
Founder of BDRG
Britain's Apartheid?

Many of us must have seen the awful pictures from South Africa and felt that terrible pain of helplessness when we see what is happening there. We, the majority of us, have no idea what it is like to live in such an oppressive environment, but most of us have witnessed a form of oppressive apartheid in Britain.

People with disabilities are still treated like second-class citizens. We see access and opportunities denied us. Some are exploited as cheap labour or refused enough money to meet our needs. We are, therefore, an oppressed group living in a society which fails to allow us a voice and adequate resources.

BDRG was formed to help change this situation and to fight for equal opportunities and rights for all people with disabilities. We feel that it is time to let the public know the truth about our position within society.

We believe we should organise a lobby of a Council meeting where we can explain to the City Councillors why we feel we live under a form of apartheid. We should mount a display showing some of the areas where we are barred from or are discriminated against. The leaflet could be produced and to give to people informing them of the Group and the difficulties we encounter as people with disabilities.

By calling the lobby under the banner, "Britain's Apartheid?" We feel we would make people think twice about how we are seen and treated. To make this lobby possible we require your agreement and support. Do you think this is a good idea, folks?

BDRG Phone Number

The BDRG phone number is 233 3035. At present no individual's phone number is for public use. There was a number given in the press as a contact number but this was a mistake and should not be used.

Orange Badge Fraud?

A local Councillor has recently made some unhelpful and ignorant remarks about the Orange Badge Scheme. While they may have been misuses of the Scheme this does not entitle any Councillor to make assumptions about people who appear  "able-bodied".

Fred Chapman should instead turn his attention to those able –bods who park in spaces for people with disabilities. The Orange Badge Scheme has run into problems because it was based upon a false notion of who is a person with a mobility difficulty. In other words the experts got it wrong again!

Lifts to Meetings

Are you able to offer members a lift to Group meetings? Bob is in need of a number of offers!

Voluntary Action Festival

We have been invited to take part in a festival on the 10th/11th of October, 1986 at Small Heath School and Community Centre.

This is an opportunity to make contact with new people in the Small Heath area. We require helpers for our stall on both Friday and Saturday. Do we have any offers?

Member's Contact List

At present members are only contactable through Bob at Lionel St. To be an active organisation which is democratically run, we need an exchange of views, ideas etc., therefore, do you want to be on a circulated contact list? If you do, please let Bob know what information you wish to be made available.

Benefit Rights/Disability Rights

Would members like to hear Mister Lines, Disability Rights Officer, with the Birmingham Tribunal Unit, give a talk on what benefits people with disabilities are entitled to. If you are interested, please let us know so we can arrange it.

I am sad to announce the death of one of our members. I phoned her on the day she died and I have no knowledge of the cause of her death.

Ideas and action on fundraising is urgent. We need money to survive. Will people give this matter serious thought?

An EGM in November
Our AGM is not planned until April 1987, but it looks as if we may require an Extraordinary General Meeting in November to adopt a new Constitution.

The existing Constitution will not satisfy the Charity Commission and, therefore, we should consider adopting a standard one. The next Executive Meeting will be making a recommendation

Contributions Please
Could we have some news, views, ideas or Building Bridges? One of our members has made a very good habit of letting us know his likes and dislikes. We welcome similar action by other members.

Disability Awareness Training
We have appointed Maria Mleczko, part-time DAT. She will be starting work on 8 September. May I, on your behalf, wish her luck and welcome her on board!

Disability Resource Centre
The response to our questionnaire amongst the members of the BDRG has been poor. Maybe BDRG members don't want a resource centre, or do they? The response from other organisations, apart from Access For All, has been awful too. We have had four returns out of 30 sent out! Our next plan is to use the BRMB's Open Line and the TV.

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