Friday 7 June 2013

Blogging the Project - June 2013

The blog and Facebook group have been very well received. Our Facebook group has 70 members after only one month so we are delighted with the response. We have also emailed the links to our colleagues at the UK Disability History Month project in London and also sent out a news release to our own networks.

I have been working with our apprentice Sarah who has made contact with the Deaf Cultural Centre in Birmingham to discuss recording some oral history interviews with older deaf people at their social activities. Sarah and I also had a conversation yesterday with one of her BSL interpreters who is familiar with the activities at the Deaf Cultural Centre. He suggested we email the managers to set up a date to go in and visit the group. Sarah has composed an email which I hope we can send later today.

Fingers crossed that this can take place in the next couple of weeks which will be a fantastic way of recording some interviews whilst starting as we mean to go on in terms of full accessibility. It will be great to have a filmed version of the BSL based interviews as well as an audio and text version.

Sarah has also made great strides in organising our disability history archive.   

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